Value of the week: Perseverance

Neil Hawkes
2 min readMay 11, 2020


Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure. — Benjamin Disraeli

During the current pandemic, we are being required to dig deep into the values we hold dear, especially values such as perseverance. Perseverance means holding on to a course of actions in spite of difficulties. When we persevere we don’t give up and are tenacious, holding fast to achieving our desired outcome. We have, for instance, to show perseverance when we are abiding by the Government’s requirements for beating Covid-19.

Locally, I witnessed the incredible perseverance shown by Toby who lives in our village.

Toby after he’d shown perseverance

I live in Hambleton, a small village in Rutland. Like so many small communities we are doing our best to support each other during the pandemic. Many are looking for ways of using their talents to support the NHS and other charities. None more than Toby Coulson who before the pandemic was going to complete the Wales 3000 challenge, which is regarded as one of the toughest hiking challenges in the UK — climbing 15 peaks including Snowdon all above 3000ft in 24hrs.

Toby Coulson is a pupil at Uppingham School and he, some staff and fellow students were going for the challenge in June. However, the pandemic made this impossible, so he decided to complete the challenge virtually by climbing up stairs at his home 300+ times to complete the elevation gain, and run up and down the village Road, to complete a distance of 43km.

On Saturday the 9th May Toby, cheered on by village and school supporters, successfully completed the challenge. I and many others were so moved to see how Toby’s perseverance brought him success and raised £2,270 for Age UK, which supports older people affected by the pandemic.

Toby’s perseverance, driven by mental toughness and his determination to see the challenge completed, is an inspiration to us all, as Toby demonstrated how each one of us can use our talents and abilities in the service of others.

I thought after watching Toby that Captain Tom would be proud of him.

Congratulations Toby!



Neil Hawkes

Dr. Neil Hawkes is well known as an inspirational speaker, educator, broadcaster, author and social commentator. He is a popular TEDx presenter.