Value of the week — Celebration
“Remember to celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead.” — Nelson Mandela
Celebration means the act of celebrating. We celebrate when we engage in a joyous social activity or event, usually in honour of some specific person. Often we have a celebration to mark a special event in someone’s life like a graduation or being appointed to a new job.
I enjoy celebrating the success of others, especially when others invest hard work, dedication and an altruistic passion for what they are doing.
Last weekend, Jane my wife passed her two-year, British Wheel of Yoga, 500 hours, teacher training course with flying colours — see photo. She achieved an ambition, the seed of which was planted 30 years ago. Her dedication was awe inspiring, especially as during Covid-19 lockdown she had to rely on zoom and some dedicated students to gain practical experience. I am very proud of Jane, as I have experienced vicariously the ups and downs and challenges that the course presented. Congratulations Jane, I’m in awe of you! We are celebrating Jane’s success by having a spa day together, which is one of Jane’s favourite treats.
May I invite you to either celebrate something that you are proud of in yourself and/or in someone else. Such actions have a positive effect on mental wellbeing, as it releases endorphins in our brains; chemicals that give our happiness and contentment a boost.
Enjoy having a celebration, knowing that experiencing this super value will bring about a positive energy in your life and the world.